How to delete duplicate rows in flat files source is any option in informatica

Can we use aggregator/active transformation after update strategy transformation

In a sequential Batch how can we stop single session?

How do I import VSAM files from source to target. Do I need a special plugin

Differences between Normalizer and Normalizer transformation.

What is IQD file?

What is data merging, data cleansing, sampling?

With out using Updatestretagy and sessons options, how we can do the update our

Two relational tables are connected to SQ Trans,what are the possible errors it will

what is the best way to show metadata(number of rows at source, target and each

If u had to split the source level key going into two seperate tables. One as

How to append the records in flat file(Informatica) ? Where as in Datastage we

What are partition points?

What is mystery dimention

What is Micro Strategy? Why is it used for? Can any one explain in detail about it?

Can i start and stop single session in concurent bstch?

In a filter expression we want to compare one date field with a db2 system field

Whats the diff between Informatica powercenter server, repositoryserver and

What are the Differences between Informatica Power Center versions 6.2 and 7.1,

Can Informatica be used as a Cleansing Tool? If Yes, give example of

Suppose session is configured with commit interval of 10,000 rows and source has 50,000 rows. Explain the commit points for Source based commit and Target based commit. Assume appropriate value wherever required.

What are variable ports and list two situations when they can be used?

How to retrive the records from a rejected file. explane with syntax or example

How to lookup the data on multiple tabels.

What is the use of incremental aggregation? Explain me in brief with an example.

How to use mapping parameters and what is their use

can any one comment on significance of oracle 9i in informatica when compared to oracle 8 or 8i. I mean how is oracle 9i advantageous when compared to oracle 8 or 8i when used in informatica

If you are workflow is running slow in informatica. Where do you start trouble

Could anyone please tell me what are the steps required for type2

what is difference between lookup cashe and unchashed lookup? Can i run the

I want to prepare a questionnaire. The details about it are as follows: - 1. Identify a

What are cost based and rule based approaches and the difference

Can anyone explain error handling in informatica with examples so that it will be

If you have four lookup tables in the workflow. How do you troubleshoot to improve

How do you handle decimal places while importing a flatfile into informatica?

Why dimenstion tables are denormalized in nature ?

in the concept of mapping parameters and variables, the variable value will be

What is difference between IIF and DECODE function

In Dimensional modeling fact table is normalized or denormalized?in case of star

What is the procedure to write the query to list the highest salary of three

How do you decide whether you need ti do aggregations at database level or at

How to join two tables without using the Joiner Transformation.

Briefly explian the Versioning Concept in Power Center 7.1.

Differences between Informatica 6.2 and Informatica 7.0

What is the difference between connected and unconnected stored procedures.

Discuss which is better among incremental load, Normal Load and Bulk load

Compare Data Warehousing Top-Down approach with Bottom-up approach

what are the difference between view and materialized view?

Difference between summary filter and details filter?

How to get the first 100 rows from the flat file into the target?

Can we lookup a table from a source qualifer transformation-unconnected lookup

What is a junk dimension

What is the difference between Narmal load and Bulk load?

At the max how many tranformations can be us in a mapping?

Waht are main advantages and purpose of using Normalizer Transformation in Informatica

Discuss the advantages & Disadvantages of star & snowflake schema?

What is a time dimension? give an example.

What r the connected or unconnected transforamations?

How can U create or import flat file definition in to the warehouse designer?

What r the tasks that Loadmanger process will do?

How do you transfert the data from data warehouse to flatfile?

Diff between informatica repositry server & informatica server

How to read rejected data or bad data from bad file and reload it to target?

Explain the informatica Architecture in detail

How can we partition a session in Informatica?

What is Load Manager?

What is Data cleansing..?

To provide support for Mainframes source data,which files r used as a source definitions?

Where should U place the flat file to import the flat file defintion to the designer?

What is the difference between stop and abort

Can we run a group of sessions without using workflow manager

If a session fails after loading of 10,000 records in to the target.How can u load the records from 10001 th record when u run the session next time in informatica 6.1?

Explain use of update strategy transformation

What are mapping parameters and varibles in which situation we can use it

What is worklet and what use of worklet and in which situation we can use it

What is difference between dimention table and fact table

How do you configure mapping in informatica

What is the logic will you implement to laod the data in to one factv from 'n' number of dimension tables.

Q. Can a port in expression transf be given the name DISTINCT?

Q. What is the difference between Informatica7.1 & informatica 8.1?

Q. Task is running successfully but data is not loaded, Why?

Q. What is mean by grouping of condition column in lookup transformation?

Q. In reporting we add some new objects,how we get the count of the newly added objects to the report?What is mapping parameter and mapping variable? how do you set that in a mapping?

Q. How can u generate sequence of values in which target has more than 2billion of records.(but with sequence generator u can generate upto 2 biliion only)?

Q. How can u connect client to ur informatica sever iff server is located at different place( not local to the client)

What is upstream and downstream transformation?

Q. What are testing in a mapping level please give brif eplanation?

How many ways you can update a relational source defintion and what r they?

Which is a transformation?

Which transformation should u need while using the cobol sources as source defintions?

What is the maplet?

What r the active and passive transforamtions?

What r the reusable transforamtions?

What r the methods for creating reusable transforamtions?

What r the unsupported repository objects for a mapplet?

Can U use the maping parameters or variables created in one maping into another maping?

Can U use the maping parameters or variables created in one maping into another maping?

What is aggregate cache in aggregator transforamtion?

What r the diffrence between joiner transformation and source qualifier transformation?

In which condtions we can not use joiner transformation(Limitaions of joiner transformation)?

what r the settiings that u use to cofigure the joiner transformation?

What r the joiner caches?

what is the look up transformation?

Differences between connected and unconnected lookup?

What r the types of lookup caches?

Difference between static cache and dynamic cache

Which transformation should we use to normalize the COBOL and relational sources?

How the informatica server sorts the string values in Rank transformation?

What is the Rankindex in Ranktransformation?

What is the Router transformation?

What r the types of groups in Router transformation?

Why we use stored procedure transformation?

What is source qualifier transformation?

What r the tasks that source qualifier performs?

What is the default join that source qualifier provides?

What r the basic needs to join two sources in a source qualifier?

What is update strategy transformation ?

What is the default source option for update stratgey transformation?

What is Datadriven?

What r the options in the target session of update strategy transsformatioin?

What r the types of maping wizards that r to be provided in Informatica?

What r the types of maping in Getting Started Wizard?

What r the mapings that we use for slowly changing dimension table?

What r the different types of Type2 dimension maping?

How can u recognise whether or not the newly added rows in the source r gets insert in the target ?

Can u generate reports in Informatcia?

Which tool U use to create and manage sessions and batches and to monitor and stop the informatica server?

Why we use partitioning the session in informatica?

How the informatica server increases the session performance through partitioning the source?

Can u copy the session to a different folder or repository?

What is batch and describe about types of batches?

Can u start a batches with in a batch?

What is parameter file?

What is difference between partioning of relatonal target and partitioning of file targets?

What is difference between maplet and reusable transformation?

Define informatica repository?

What r the types of metadata that stores in repository?

What is power center repository?

How can u work with remote database in informatica?did u work directly by using remote connections?

After draging the ports of three sources(sql server,oracle,informix) to a single source qualifier, can u map these three ports directly to target?

What is a source qualifier?-

How to load time dimension

In update strategy target table or flat file which gives more performance ? why?

How do you create single lookup transformation using multiple tables?

why did u use update stategy in your application?

Why did you use stored procedure in your ETL Application?

How can you improve the performance of Aggregate transformation?

can u explain one critical mapping? 2.performance issue which one is better? whether connected lookup tranformation or unconnected one?

When we create a target as flat file and source as oracle.. how can i specify first rows as column names in flat files...

SCD Mappings are mosltly used Unconnected Lookup Transformation. Unconnected Lookup used static Cache only.At this time how can u insert or update date in Target by using static cache?

Why is meant by direct and indirect loading options in sessions?

In a scenario I want to change the dimensions of a table and normalize the renormalized table which transformation can I use?

What is the method of loading 5 flat files of having same structure to a single target and which transformations I can use?

In a scenario I have col1, col2, col3, under that 1,x,y, and 2,a,b and I want in this form col1, col2 and 1,x and 1,y and 2,a and 2,b, what is the procedure?

On a day, I load 10 rows in my target and on next day if I get 10 more rows to be added to my target out of which 5 are updated rows how can I send them to target? How can I insert and update the record?

What is the difference between Informatica 7.0 and 8.0 ?