Q. In reporting we add some new objects,how we get the count of the newly added objects to the report?What is mapping parameter and mapping variable? how do you set that in a mapping?

A mapping parameter represents a constant value that you can define before running a session. A mapping parameter retains the same value throughout the entire session.

Unlike a mapping parameter, a mapping variable represents a value that can change through the session. The PowerCenter Server saves the value of a mapping variable to the repository at the end of each successful session run and uses that value the next time you run the session.

mapping parameter represents a constant value ,u decleare  these values at a file and store at a location ,the path will be declared at session properties and the parameter
name is declered at designer->parameters&variables ----naming convention is $$-----.when u run the session then it will take the values from the file

variables ---declearing as same above but for parmeter we wil declear it as parameter n 4 variable we decler it as variable ---functionality if u declare it as last updated
date for first run it will take as intial value which u declare and it wil save that date and for next it wil date that previous run value

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